




    1. 托盘旋转速度变频可调,确保产品喷淋全面,无盲区。

    2. 动力式进出料,滚轮式结构,产品进出平稳。

    3. 环形式密布喷淋嘴,清洗彻底,效果保证。

    4. 清洗、漂洗(防锈)采用两套独立管道及泵浦,阻止药液混窜。

    5. 不锈钢焊接工作室,气动密闭门,永不漏水。

    6. 大型旋转托盘,可容纳不同规格工件,清洗量大,速度快。

    7. 双层保温,节能式设计,有效降低能耗,节约成本。

    8. 环保型水基清洗液,废液可直接排放。

    reciprocating type spin spray cleaning machine


    Feat FS series reciprocating type spin spray cleaning machine is mainly used on big size metal parts, especially de-oiling, chip removing and cleaning of iron casting after machining. It uses high pressure water pump to spray the detergent onto the surface; it cleans the parts by separating the oil, chip from the surface of the parts.  The spray nozzle doesnt move in the process of cleaning, the platform holding the parts turns in order to cleaning the parts thoroughly.  In the cleaning process, the operator only needs to pull and put the parts on the cleaning pallet; press the start button, it automatically sends the parts to the working chamber to be spray cleaned, spray rinsed (rust prevention), drainage and sent back to the outside of the working chamber. It is widely used on the cleaning of big size parts such as compressor frame, elevator wheel, big size bearing and engine cylinder.

    Equipment feature:

    1. The turning speed of the pallet can be adjusted to make sure the product is sprayed totally

    2. Powered input and output material, drum type structure, stable for the input and output of the products

    3. Ring close-set spray nozzle, thorough cleaning, clean effectively

    4. Cleaning, rinse (rust prevention) use two sets of independent pipe and pump, no mix of liquor

    5. Stainless steel welding working chamber, gas dynamic seal door, no water leak

    6. Big size turning pallet for different quantity of job, massive cleaning and fast speed

    7. Double insulation, power-saving designing,reduce energy consumption effectively and save the cost

    8. Environment protection water-based detergent, used detergent can be discharged directly
