
发布日期:2017-08-30   浏览量:4458


超声波方法的最大收益是节省时间。惠勒说:“手洗模具是耗时的,而且很少有区域难以达到。” “坦白说,没有办法手动清洁,无论如何仔细地应用,都可以访问复杂的形状,通风口,倾倒和其他模具表面配置。我们使用生物可降解的水溶性液体进入裂缝和缝隙以松开碎屑和气体。这使我的工作更容易。超声波设备的工作时间平均约为30分钟,这个任务可能需要几个小时才能手动完成。






SZFEAT  has found that cleaning molds using the ultrasonic method saves time and does a much better job of mold cleaning than other techniques. Plastic injection molds must be cleaned on a regular basis to remove all burned-on deposits from the surface as well as residual plastic in vents without damaging the tooling. The image below shows a mold before (left) and after ultrasonic cleaning.

SZFEAT Injection Molding molds a variety of products for the automotive, household, and lawn and garden markets, among others, using 20 presses ranging in size up to 950 tons. “A lot of our molds have interchangeable modules to make different part numbers. We can pop the modules out, take the back off, loosen the inserts and put the mold in the tank, so we can thoroughly clean around the inserts, and loosen the deposits and gas,” Roger Wheeler, Tooling Manager at PAM Injection Molding, told PlasticsToday.

“For some molds, we have to take out each individual insert and clean it. Some are easier to clean than others. The materials we’re running and the type of mold determine how far we have to take it apart to put it in the ultrasonic cleaner,” says Wheeler.

Time saving is the biggest benefit of the ultrasonic method, according to Wheeler. “Hand cleaning a mold is time consuming, and there are little areas that are tough to reach,” said Wheeler. “Frankly there’s no way that manual cleaning, not matter how carefully applied, can access complex shapes, vents, dumps and other mold surface configurations. We use a bio-degradable, water-soluble fluid that gets into the cracks and crevices to loosen the debris and gas. It makes my job a lot easier. The ultrasonic equipment does the job in about 30 minutes average—a task that could take hours if done manually.”

Wheeler adds that using the ultrasonic method also allows mold technicians to multi-task. “While some mold components are in the ultrasonic tank, they can clean the mold base, which makes the job faster and results in higher quality parts.”

SZFAEAT Injection Molding uses the Elmasonic X-tra Basic 550 industrial ultrasonic cleaner with a 15-gallon tank. “We often take in molds from other molders and find that these molds are in poor condition,” said Wheeler. “We take them apart and clean them thoroughly before putting them in our presses to ensure good part quality.”

Ultrasonic cleaning uses a process called cavitation—the implosion of billions of microscopic air bubbles—against surfaces immersed in a cleaning solution. Bubbles are created by generator-powered transducers bonded to the underside of a stainless-steel tank.

When excited, the transducers vibrate at ultrasonic frequencies measured in kilohertz (kHz) per second. This causes the tank bottom to act as a membrane creating the bubbles.

SZFEAT Injection Molding appreciates that the Elmasonic X-tra Basic 550 allows users to select a 25- or 45-kHz ultrasonic frequency based on the extent and tenacity of burned-on plastic residues. “For really tough deposits, our operators can activate what is called the ‘pulse mode’ that sends a more powerful blast of cleaning action into the bath,” Wheeler said. “Pulse is also activated to de-gas fresh ultrasonic cleaning solutions in order to quickly remove cavitation-inhibiting trapped air.”

In addition to frequency and pulse, the operating panel allows operators to set the cleaning cycle time and solution temperature. Set and actual parameters are displayed. The unit will start when the set temperature is reached and can operate continuously with auto shut-off at 12 hours or if the solutions temperature reaches 90° C. PAM Injection Molding selected an insulated tank lid to muffle noise during the cleaning cycle and to reduce cleaning solution evaporation.

“Longer injection mold life depends on not only keeping them clean but conducting mold-cleaning operations in such a way that extends their life by maintaining surface finish specifications,” Wheeler added.
